
We are over.
I turn the word over in my mouth
Like a sweet too hard and too sour to swallow.

I tell them it was mutual,
That we broke up over irreconcilable differences:
I loved you
And you didn’t love me.
It was the only difference that mattered.

We meet again
For closure and to talk things over
And it feels anything but over.

Because when you kiss me in the dark
Over and over
I cannot picture being in anyone else’s arms.

And when I roll over in the morning
My heart skips a beat

And then you say my name
And I am falling in love again

And over
And over.


I don’t know what to say
Or what to tell people.
Because what can be said?
I am in love with somebody
And he is not in love with me.

I gave him everything:
My words and my time,
My body and my soul.
And none of it was enough.

Do you know how that feels,
To give so much
And mean so little?

It breaks my heart.

I was so sure
That he loved me
That I never thought to ask.

He acted as though he did.

He called me his best friend,
The most important person in his life,
The highlight of every day.

But he does not, and may never, love me.

I haven’t given up
Because I have never loved like this,
And I have lost too much
In life already.

I am done losing.

So I try and I try.
And even though there’s a chance
That I’ll end up with a heart
Full of sawdust,
For now I’ll fill it with hope.

Broken Together

I had hoped to know by this stage
And I guess I do
Because you are happy to call me
Your best friend
But you are uncertain as to whether
You will ever love me
My heart has broken into more pieces
Than I can count
I would take any physical pain
Over this new agony.
I have poured you into my heart
Laced you into my life
Built my world around you
And when you go I will fall apart.
What good is loving someone
Who won’t love you back?
What good is needing someone
Who could leave at any moment?

I can’t imagine a day without you
And I can’t be alone again.

A Valentine’s Day Confession

I will go on hoping that you feel the same,
That your face lights up when you hear my name.
I will pretend I am happy with the way things are,
Until I am sure that I have your heart.

You’ve made this a struggle, no more can I hide
The fact that I’ve liked you for quite some time.
We’re such similar people who met by chance
Across a crowded room with a sideways glance.

We speak so freely about most every thing
I even said yes when you asked me to sing.
You’re part of my life now, a part of each day
So how would I manage if you went away?

I fear you don’t see it, that I am “just a friend”
That our love has no future, no beginning, no end.
But I could make you as happy as you’ve made me,
If you opened your eyes and started to see.

Until you’ve decided what I mean to you
I’ll go on pretending; it’s what I must do.
But I want you to know while I wait for that sign,
My heart is yours if yours is mine.